Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Spent the afternoon doing my favorite thing...

Organizing my brand new walk-in closet! I finally unpacked the very last box of mine from our move and used every single hanger that we own. I counted 128 Betsey Johnson dresses. To a normal person who has somewhat of a right mind, that might sound pretty sick. But to someone who swoons over the sweet touch of silk charmeuse, who drools over drippy jersey and who would rather spend her alone time twirling around in circles giggling unconrollably inside of a 7x8 claustrophobic room of gorgeousness than be a normal 25 year old and do something productive...like cook or do laundry or....have friends...having 128 dresses seems completely normal! I have enough confidence in my sanity to say that I might bare a tiny resemblence to a few of those women in those episodes of Hoarders (minus the crazy hair and lack of teeth.) Except for the fact that all of my things are color coordinated and organized by style and cut. I am proud to say that you won't find a six year-old cat corpse hidden under a rug that happens to be under forty empty cans of vegetables that leads to a trail of twenty eaten tv dinner boxes in my house. Can I just say one more thing? Let's talk about the magic of clear, seal-tight plastic bins... incredible! I can see all of my handbags in a single glance, yet not dwell on whether they're scattered around and collecting dust. ::heavy breathing:: Yeah, definitely not as bad as Hoarders.

So here is my justification for all of this. For one, I own maybe 10 things that aren't Betsey. I pride myself on that considering the fact that I never spent money on anything that I couldn't wear to work. Hence, the crapload of Betsey dresses. Secondly, I have given at least thirty to forty dresses away to friends, family and strangers on ebay over the last four years. Believe me...that was tough but I was just running out of room! As soon as this new walk-in closet starts to fill up again (I've got seven or eight inches left on my side. That doesn't include Mike's end...which, hey, he doesn't technically need a whole two feet of closet space for just a few shirts!) I will give away a few more dresses. My last reasoning for having more dresses than I have money in my 401k is that there are 365 days in a year and I work about 270 of those days...which means I have to wear at least each dress three times a month in order to not be naked and/or extremely smelly at work. THAT'S SACRIFICE, MY FRIENDS!

Some might say this is some kind of addiction. To me, these dresses have become the thing that I collect because I love the design and thrive off of how beautiful and fun they make me feel each day. You know how you can smell a certain scent and it brings you back to a time in your life that you can remember perfectly? That's how I feel when I look at one of my dresses. It always brings me back to a happy time. Hopefully one day I can pass them all down to Quinn! AND IF SHE GETS THEM DIRTY....................


Julie Moss said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are SOOOOO funny and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!At least people don't walk into your one room apartment and say "OMG!Your House looks like a SHOWROOM!(I have a 6 foot clothing rack against my main wall!)LMAO!LOVE IT!

MrsKatherineA said...

Love it!! WIsh all those dresses were in MY closet. Lucky little Quinn!

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